Sue London's calling copy Sue london's calling

I was devastated to find holes in my uber comfortable Sue London ballet flats, I wore them literally everywhere flats are acceptable.

These slippers have been there whenever I needed them, they were always in my bag a hand reach away and I must now sadly retire these little darlings.

Well I have to admit at first I tried to ignore the holes and continued to wear them, but I would cringe shamefully every time I remembered I was wearing worn out shoes.
I have looked all over for the ultimate flats or slippers, and I have found really good comfortable shoes like the Pedro Garcia satin ballet flats , but my heart belongs to sue london slipppers. I’m whipped.
My previous pair are stored back in their cute little matching bag until I get my new pair.
I’ll give it a couple more days and if my heart is still yearning for the slippers then I will order them.
sources: Sue London